Cubing Recipes

Cubing Recipes

Upgrading Gems

You can upgrade 3 of the same type of gems to get 1 gem of a higher quality.

Upgrade Chipped Gems

any chipped gem
any chipped gem
any chipped gem
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Flawed Gems

any flawed gem
any flawed gem
any flawed gem
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Normal Gems

any norma gem
any norma gem
any norma gem
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Flawless Gems

any flawless gem
any flawless gem
any flawless gem
horadric cube interface

Upgrading Runes

Without Gems

These runes don't require a gem to upgrade.

El RuneEl RuneEl Rune
horadric cube interface
Eld RuneEld RuneEld Rune
horadric cube interface
Tir RuneTir RuneTir Rune
horadric cube interface
Nef RuneNef RuneNef Rune
horadric cube interface
Eth RuneEth RuneEth Rune
horadric cube interface
Ith RuneIth RuneIth Rune
horadric cube interface
Tal RuneTal RuneTal Rune
horadric cube interface
Ral RuneRal RuneRal Rune
horadric cube interface
Ort RuneOrt RuneOrt Rune
horadric cube interface

Three Runes

These runes require a gem and 3 runes to upgrade.

Thul RuneThul RuneThul Rune
chipped topaz
horadric cube interface
Amn RuneAmn RuneAmn Rune
chipped amethyst
horadric cube interface
Sol RuneSol RuneSol Rune
chipped sapphire
horadric cube interface
Shael RuneShael RuneShael Rune
chipped ruby
horadric cube interface
Dol RuneDol RuneDol Rune
chipped emerald
horadric cube interface
Hel RuneHel RuneHel Rune
chipped diamond
horadric cube interface
Io RuneIo RuneIo Rune
flawed topaz
horadric cube interface
Lum RuneLum RuneLum Rune
flawed amethyst
horadric cube interface
Ko RuneKo RuneKo Rune
flawed sapphire
horadric cube interface
Fal RuneFal RuneFal Rune
flawed ruby
horadric cube interface
Lem RuneLem RuneLem Rune
flawed emerald
horadric cube interface

Two Runes

These runes require a gem and 2 runes to upgrade.

Pul RunePul Rune
flawed diamond
horadric cube interface
Um RuneUm Rune
horadric cube interface
Mal RuneMal Rune
horadric cube interface
Ist RuneIst Rune
horadric cube interface
Gul RuneGul Rune
horadric cube interface
Vex RuneVex Rune
horadric cube interface
Ohm RuneOhm Rune
horadric cube interface
Lo RuneLo Rune
flawless topaz
horadric cube interface
Sur RuneSur Rune
flawless amethyst
horadric cube interface
Ber RuneBer Rune
flawless sapphire
horadric cube interface
Jah RuneJah Rune
flawless ruby
horadric cube interface
Cham RuneCham Rune
flawless emerald
horadric cube interface

Socket Recipes

Socket Body Armor

normal body armor
Tal RuneThul Rune
perfect topaz
horadric cube interface

Socket Weapon

normal weapon
Ral RuneAmn Rune
perfect amethyst
horadric cube interface

Socket Shield

normal shield
Tal RuneAmn Rune
perfect ruby
horadric cube interface

Socket Helm

normal helm
Ral RuneThul Rune
perfect sapphire
horadric cube interface

Remove Socketed Items

any Socketed item
Hel Rune
scroll of town portal
horadric cube interface

Upgrading Items

Low Quality Items

Upgrade Low Quality Armor

low quality armor
El Rune
any chipped gem
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Low Quality Weapon

low quality weapon
Eld Rune
any chipped gem
horadric cube interface

Rare Items

Upgrade Rare Armor

normal rare armor
Ral RuneThul Rune
perfect amethyst
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Rare Weapon

normal rare weapon
Ort RuneAmn Rune
perfect sapphire
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Exceptional Rare Weapon

exceptional rare weapon
Fal RuneUm Rune
perfect sapphire
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Exceptional Rare Armor

exceptional rare armor
Ko RunePul Rune
perfect amethyst
horadric cube interface

Unique and Set Items

Upgrade Unique/Set Armor

normal unique/set armor
Tal RuneShael Rune
perfect diamond
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Unique/Set Weapon

normal unique/set weapon
Ral RuneSol Rune
perfect emerald
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Exceptional Unique/Set Weapon

exceptional unique/set weapon
Lum RunePul Rune
perfect emerald
horadric cube interface

Upgrade Exceptional Unique/Set Armor

exceptional unique/set armor
Ko RuneLem Rune
perfect diamond
horadric cube interface

Repairing Items

Repair Armor

non-ethereal armor
Ral Rune
horadric cube interface

Repair and Recharge Armor

non-ethereal armor
Ral Rune
any flawed gem
horadric cube interface

Repair Weapon

non-ethereal weapon
Ort Rune
horadric cube interface

Repair and Recharge Armor

non-ethereal weapon
Ort Rune
any chipped gem
horadric cube interface

Endgame Content


Secret Cow Level

Wirt's Leg
Tome of Town Portal
horadric cube interface

Lower Ubers

Key of Terror
Key of Hate
Key of Destruction
horadric cube interface

Uber Tristram

Mephisto's Eye
Diablo's Horn
Baal's Eye
horadric cube interface


Token of Absolution

Twisted Essence of Suffering
Charged Essence of Hatred
Burning Essence of Terror
Festering Essence of Destruction
horadric cube interface

Crafting Recipes

Consult the dedicated crafting page for all crafting recipes.

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