Oil Potion

Oil Potion
  • Oil Potion
  • Item Level: 28
  • Speed Modifier: +0
  • Range: +0
  • Required Level: 20

A superior Oil Potion can also spawn with 2 of the following bonuses, +5% to +15% Enhanced Damage, Increase Maximum Durability 10% to 15%, or +1 to +3 to Attack Rating.

How to upgrade an Oil Potion

Transmute low quality weapon, an Eld Rune, and a Chipped Gem to create normal quality weapon of the same type.

low quality Oil Potion
eld rune
any chipped gem
horadric cube interface

Vendors that sell Oil Potions

No vendors sell this item.

Compared to other Misile Potions

Table of base stats
NameMaxdamDurabilityLevelLevelreqMax Sockets
Rancid Gas Potion1232240
Oil Potion1228200
Choking Gas Potion1220160
Exploding Potion1216120
Strangling Gas Potion12860
Fulminating Potion12400

Prefixes that can spawn on Misile Potions

All prefixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
Jagged+10 to 20% Enhanced Damage11weaponmagic and rare106
Deadly+21 to 30% Enhanced Damage53weaponmagic and rare106
Vicious+31 to 40% Enhanced Damage86weaponmagic and rare106

Suffixes that can spawn on Misile Potions

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of Readiness+10% Increased Attack Speed11weaponglovesmagic and rare6
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed86weaponmagic and rare6
of Frost+1 to Minimum Cold Damage, +1 to 4 to Maximum Cold Damage43weaponmagic and rare9



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