of Alacrity Suffix

Of Alacrity is a suffix that provides a moderate bonus to Attack Speed.

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed86weaponmagic and rare6
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed2517weaponmagic and rare7
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed4335glovesmagic and rare7

Similar Suffixes

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed86weaponmagic and rare6
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed2517weaponmagic and rare7
of Alacrity+20% Increased Attack Speed4335glovesmagic and rare7
of Swiftness+30% Increased Attack Speed1914melee weaponmagic and rare6
of Swiftness+30% Increased Attack Speed3426melee weaponmagic and rare7



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