Exile Runeword

Exile is a Diablo 2 Resurrected Runeword created by combining Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol into a 4 socket paladin shield. It requires at least level 57 to equip. Exile was first released in patch 1.10.

Since Exile has an auto-repair mod, the best base item is an Ethereal paladin shield with 45 to all resistances. Exile really is massive tank of a shield. Its Enhanced Defence, possiblity to make in an ethereal base, and Defiance aura, boosts up the defense of the wielder to a godly level.

Exile granting Defiance aura to Paladin.
Exile granting Defiance aura to Paladin.
vex runeohm runeist runedol rune
Item Types
Ladder Only? (D2R)No
Ladder Only? (LoD)No
Level Required57
Patch1.10 - Current


  • 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking
  • Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies)
  • +2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)
  • +30% Faster Block Rate
  • Freezes Target
  • +220-260% Enhanced Defense (varies)
  • Replenish Life +7
  • +5% To Maximum Cold Resist
  • +5% To Maximum Fire Resist
  • 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items
  • Repairs 1 Durability every 4 seconds

Eligible bases


