Arcane Sanctuary

Starting Point: Drognan
I've been researching the old records, trying to find the location of Tal Rasha's Tomb. Though I haven't found the Tomb, itself, I may have a good lead for you. The great Vizjerei Summoner, Horazon, built his Arcane Sanctuary somewhere around here. He was a powerful spellcaster and kept demons as slaves within the Sanctuary. He kept a close eye on great events, too -- such as the imprisonment of Baal within Tal Rasha's Tomb. If you could find Horazon's Sanctuary, I'm sure that it would hold some clue as to the Tomb's location. Though I doubt Horazon is still alive, you must proceed with caution. There's no telling what could be waiting inside. When I spoke of this with Lord Jerhyn, he asked that I send you to him. Perhaps he knows of a secret entrance or the like.
Steps to Complete
- Look for the Arcane Sanctuary within the Palace.
- Talk to Drognan.
- Find Horazon's Journal.
- Continue the search for the Seventh Tomb.