The Blackened Temple

Starting Point: Ormus
You have done well, my friend. Your courage and valor are an inspiration to us all. But now the time has come to face those responsible for the evil that has stifled our land. You must destroy the High Council of Zakarum! Long ago, these elders were charged with the stewardship of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, who was imprisoned within the Guardian Tower. Through the generations, these pious men slowly fell more and more under the sway of Mephisto's malevolent power and the Council became an evil mockery of its former glory. It is Mephisto's Hatred that has corrupted Zakarum and turned its devout followers into paranoid fanatics. That is why you must travel to the Temple City of Travincal and slay the Council. Once they are gone, Mephisto's hold over this land and its people will be broken!
Steps to Complete
- Find the Blackened Temple within Travincal.
- Ask Ormus about the Blackened Temple.
- Kill the High Council.
- Ask Cain for help.