Betrayal of Harrogath

Starting Point: Anya
Nihlathak told me he struck a deal with Baal to protect Harrogath. In exchange for the demon's mercy, the misguided fool plans to give Baal the Relic of the Ancients, our most holy totem! Doing so will allow Baal to enter Mount Arreat unchallenged by the Ancients. I tried to stop Nihlathak, but he imprisoned me in that icy tomb. Nihlathak must be stopped before he dooms the whole world. As much as I would love to strangle the life out of him, I'm afraid I haven't the strength. You must go to his lair through this portal I've opened, kill him, and then bring back the Relic of the Ancients. Stop Nihlathak from destroying what we have striven for eons to protect.
Steps to Complete
- Take Anya's portal to Nihlathak's Temple.
- Kill Nihlathak.
- Find Nihlathak in the Halls of Vaught.
- Talk to Anya before you continue through the Crystalline Passage, past the Glacial Trail, to proceed up Mount Arreat to the Summit.
- Anya will personalize an item for you.
- Personalize an Item by Anya