Have you ever seen the rain?

It is a well known fact that Diablo 2 revolves around finding and using new items and I've always been bothered by our inability to circumvent the oldest and most archaic system of all: Mules (along with all the nonsensical tetris-ing) . As part of many little changes people would like to see, I have compiled a list of the best solutions to several small culprits that people have requested in the past (frequently!).

Let me know which of these would be top priority if you had exe power over these tweaks/changes! Place them in order so your responses are not overlooked (disregarded). 1=A), 2=C), 3=B)

[ List at least 3 letters in your responses!! Then you may add your suggestions, too! ]

A) SSF ladder (I think they stole this idea from suggestions I made on forums for d4?). Once ladder ends, all the stuff found merges to NLadder. On ladder, items are Bound to your account on pickup.

B) Option to buy more [shared] stash tabs (and unlocking two free ones through the upcoming ladders to celebrate recurring players/love for the game). It was mentioned several times that the option should appear via the website and not break the decorum (in game). It is there if someone really hates mules/has played long enough to want it for specific purposes!

C) Introduce new cube recipes. I will not dive into the crazy ideas I've seen, but I thought I'd leave it here! Pretty solid ideas have been suggested (worth tinkering with it/what it could involve: finding parchments and list runewords/recipes on an in-game compendium~!? /discover said new runewords/recipes during a new ladder?)

D) Show a little love to barbs. This point seemed very intricate so I will leave it as such. You may expand on it after you've listed 3 points (and added some of your own?!).

E) Tweaks/balance for pvp: General consensus was about Invisible projectiles, first. Invis 13k hammer in the face (or desynchronizations altogether) just screams unfair.

F) Stackable tab. Personally, I think a season could revolve around finding/building pouches for specific stackables or avoid this change altogether. A bit like: C)! (the compendium). These pouches could be moved around, too. Idk... I think this could be extremely enticing. Finding 3 components to sew magical pouches. Alright alright w/e this point is just "Stackables tab" xD.

G) Monster density.

H) Make hybrid runewords at Extremely high costs. Perhaps through a recipe (jah+ber+zod+metalgrid and Tyraels might or templar's might/ladder only? I won't deep dive into this idea. Hybrid runewords were runewords that kept the previous main properties of the runeword you had created and added the new runes' stats only. Say you made a heart of the oak, but also wanted to use it on a trap assassin to gain the IAS (increased atk speed) of the Shael, you would make a Oath (4 runes/4 runes).

I) New crafting category / tweaking the lesser used recipes. Self-explanatory like "G)".

J) Teleporting whilst Shapeshifted (any class). The framerate for fcr already exists -- easy implementation and would make way for fun builds that are already super slow pace. Maybe add a new runeword to shapeshift into wolf that isn't wolfhowl (or beast for bear).

K) Melee Pvm clear speed. While I think there are already builds for each class to kill fast then a player can switch back to melee, but... the best suggestion was to add "splash". Imo, add multipliers to make fireball proc or lightning procs a LOT stronger, but melee players would need to find said property on rare weapons And whatever makes these chance to cast a Lot stronger. Also crank it up from 5% to 15-25%?

L) Legacy uniques. A lot of people are requesting that the uniques be slightly tweaked to either make them Usable* (not necessarily "viable" <-- pvp or great for pvm). Underpowered items allow us to enjoy better ones, but it is true that their rarity doesn't seem justified due to how strong runewords are. Food for thought!

Thank you for reading/participating!

Thu Apr 06 2023 by

I'd go for

C > I > E > D

I feel some suggestions change the core game a little too much, like K, It's part of the appeal, where you have to choose between what kind of class you choose. Do you want a lot of AOE damage, or prefer higher single-target damage?

But overall, a good list to think about.

What I would like to see added are more end-game events like Diablo Clone and Uber Tristram.

Fri Apr 07 2023 by Prowner

D>F>G> Set overhaul. It would be nice to see some of the sets, reworked, or some new ones added. Sporting in entire set should be a real accomplishment, with some sets being viable in the end game.

Fri Apr 07 2023 by Tribulus

B -> L -> E

Agreed upon, Prowner. But if they were to make "Aoe" builds I'd make them super niche (make aoe bound to elemental dmg... makes more sense to me).

Sat Apr 08 2023 by


