Trying to get some help. You can create a character and click save for d2r and it should load into a offline character right? I doesnt seem to go to the right file and no characters load when i run the game. when i put the character file under local discs-users-me-saved games- d2r my game crashes (when trying to connect to battlenet after the click key to continue screen on load up it seems to crash) unless i delete that file. what am i doing wrong? or is this even a thing? just wanted to try a build before i spend the currency on a build i wont like. edit: also when i click save to file button on the editor here it just goes to my downloads, then dragging from there caused game to crash unless i delete. thanks!
I try Today the first time an hero Editor
My Prblem is it Download only 1 Datei, this is only the .ds2 Datei but not the Key Datei
What i do Fals D2R is on the newest Patch Version 1.6.77312 Some one know what is ther the Problem ??
If i send only the .ds2 in the d2r Ordner than i cant start D2R it kicks me out in the Loading screen
Thx for Help and answers
Ok, let's see if we can fix this.