Firstly , great work on the site. The design is fantastic.
Unfortunately, I tried loading the d2s file saved by the site, by replacing the one saved by the game "Assassin.d2s" in "Saved Games/Diablo II Resurrected/" and the game is not detecting my hero anymore. It doesn't show any heroes when I run the game. My hero name (saved by the game) is also "Assassin" and the save file the game created is "Assassin.d2s".
Anyway to fix this?
are you on the latest version of the game?
i was going to write a question and I found this one, exactly the behavior I am experiencing. But there is no response. Is there an FAQ telling us which browser / windows/ etc. to use? I am on Windows 11, have tried both Google chrome and firefox, same behavior. The file saves to download folder, when i overwrite the original file, the game runs but won't detect/ load the modded file. Once I restore the backup by overwriting the modded file, it shows up again.
Anything to test for?