of the Wraith Suffix

Of the Wraith is a suffix that adds Mana Leach.

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of the Wraith6 to 7% Mana stolen per hit2116melee weaponmagic and rare28
of the Wraith5 to 6% Mana stolen per hit5840amuletcircletmagic and rare28
of the Wraith4 to 5% Mana stolen per hit5846ringmagic and rare28

Similar Suffixes

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of the Bat4 to 8% Mana stolen per hit64weaponringamuletmagic and rare29
of the Bat4 to 5% Mana stolen per hit74weaponmagic and rare28
of the Bat3 to 4% Mana stolen per hit1511amuletcircletmagic and rare28
of the Bat2 to 3% Mana stolen per hit2521ringmagic and rare28
of the Bat3% Mana stolen per hit3527glovesmagic and rare28
of the Vampire9 to 12% Mana stolen per hit2015melee weaponmagic and rare29
of the Vampire8 to 9% Mana stolen per hit5648melee weaponmagic and rare28
of the Vampire7 to 8% Mana stolen per hit7866amuletcircletmagic and rare28
of the Vampire6% Mana stolen per hit8674ringmagic and rare28
of the Wraith6 to 7% Mana stolen per hit2116melee weaponmagic and rare28
of the Wraith5 to 6% Mana stolen per hit5840amuletcircletmagic and rare28
of the Wraith4 to 5% Mana stolen per hit5846ringmagic and rare28


