Of Nirvana is a suffix that provides a bonus to Dexterity.
Name | Property | Affix Level | Level Req | Item Types | Rarity | Group |
of Nirvana | +21 to 30 to Dexterity | 72 | 64 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic only | 17 |
Name | Property | Affix Level | Level Req | Item Types | Rarity | Group |
of Accuracy | +7 to 10 to Dexterity | 18 | 13 | scepter, missile weapon, boots, gloves, ring, amulet | magic and rare | 16 |
of Accuracy | +6 to 9 to Dexterity | 27 | 20 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic and rare | 17 |
of Accuracy | +6 to 9 to Dexterity | 39 | 31 | ring, gloves | magic and rare | 17 |
of Accuracy | +6 to 9 to Dexterity | 46 | 38 | armor, boots | magic and rare | 17 |
of Daring | +1 to 3 to Dexterity | 7 | 5 | jewel | magic and rare | 17 |
of Daring | +4 to 6 to Dexterity | 19 | 14 | jewel | magic and rare | 17 |
of Daring | +7 to 9 to Dexterity | 36 | 28 | jewel | magic and rare | 17 |
of Dexterity | +1 to 2 to Dexterity | 1 | 1 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic and rare | 17 |
of Dexterity | +3 to 4 to Dexterity | 1 | 1 | large charm | magic and rare | 31 |
of Dexterity | +1 to Dexterity | 1 | 1 | boots, gloves | magic and rare | 17 |
of Dexterity | +1 to Dexterity | 1 | 1 | ring | magic and rare | 17 |
of Dexterity | +2 to 3 to Dexterity | 3 | 2 | medium charm | magic and rare | 31 |
of Dexterity | +1 to Dexterity | 4 | 3 | ring, amulet | magic and rare | 16 |
of Dexterity | +1 to 3 to Dexterity | 5 | 3 | scepter, missile weapon, boots, gloves, ring, amulet | magic and rare | 16 |
of Dexterity | +1 to 2 to Dexterity | 6 | 4 | ring, gloves | magic and rare | 17 |
of Dexterity | +1 to Dexterity | 7 | 5 | small charm | magic and rare | 31 |
of Dexterity | +2 to 3 to Dexterity | 13 | 9 | armor, boots | magic and rare | 17 |
of Dexterity | +5 to 6 to Dexterity | 14 | 10 | large charm | magic and rare | 31 |
of Dexterity | +4 to 5 to Dexterity | 18 | 13 | medium charm | magic and rare | 31 |
of Dexterity | +2 to Dexterity | 22 | 16 | small charm | magic and rare | 31 |
of Nirvana | +21 to 30 to Dexterity | 72 | 64 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic only | 17 |
of Perfection | +16 to 20 to Dexterity | 30 | 22 | missile weapon, gloves, amulet | magic and rare | 16 |
of Perfection | +16 to 20 to Dexterity | 59 | 51 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic and rare | 17 |
of Perfection | +16 to 20 to Dexterity | 75 | 67 | ring, gloves | magic only | 17 |
of Precision | +11 to 15 to Dexterity | 22 | 16 | scepter, missile weapon, amulet | magic and rare | 16 |
of Precision | +10 to 15 to Dexterity | 43 | 35 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic and rare | 17 |
of Precision | +10 to 15 to Dexterity | 56 | 48 | ring, gloves | magic and rare | 17 |
of Precision | +11 to 15 to Dexterity | 60 | 45 | any armor, ring | magic and rare | 16 |
of Precision | +10 to 15 to Dexterity | 60 | 52 | armor, boots | magic only | 17 |
of Skill | +4 to 6 to Dexterity | 10 | 7 | scepter, missile weapon, boots, gloves, ring, amulet | magic and rare | 16 |
of Skill | +3 to 5 to Dexterity | 11 | 8 | amulet, missile weapon, circlet | magic and rare | 17 |
of Skill | +3 to 5 to Dexterity | 22 | 16 | ring, gloves | magic and rare | 17 |
of Skill | +4 to 5 to Dexterity | 34 | 26 | armor, boots | magic and rare | 17 |
of Skill | +4 to 6 to Dexterity | 45 | 33 | any armor | magic and rare | 16 |
of Nirvana Suffix - D2Runewizard