of Life Tap Suffix

Of Life Tap is a suffix that provides a set amount of skill charges.

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of Life TapLevel 6 Life Tap (60/60 Charges)2424wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Life TapLevel 3 Life Tap (20/20 Charges)4848axemagic and rare44

Similar Suffixes

All suffixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
of AttractionLevel 5 Attract (60/60 Charges)3030wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of AttractionLevel 2 Attract (20/20 Charges)6060ringamuletcircletmagic and rare44
of BashingLevel 10 Bash (60/60 Charges)77primal helmmagic and rare44
of BashingLevel 6 Bash (20/20 Charges)1414melee weaponmagic and rare44
of Blessed HammersLevel 6 Blessed Hammer (30/30 Charges)2424scepterauric shieldsmagic and rare44
of Blessed HammersLevel 3 Blessed Hammer (20/20 Charges)4848hammermagic and rare44
of BlizzardsLevel 5 Blizzard (30/30 Charges)3030stafforbmagic and rare44
of BlizzardsLevel 2 Blizzard (20/20 Charges)6060knifemagic and rare44
of Bone SpearsLevel 6 Bone Spear (60/60 Charges)2424wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Bone SpearsLevel 3 Bone Spear (20/20 Charges)4848spearmagic and rare44
of Bone SpiritsLevel 3 Bone Spirit (60/60 Charges)3636wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Bone SpiritsLevel 1 Bone Spirit (20/20 Charges)7272amuletcircletmagic and rare44
of Chain LightningLevel 6 Chain Lightning (30/30 Charges)2424stafforbmagic and rare44
of Chain LightningLevel 3 Chain Lightning (20/20 Charges)4848spearmagic and rare44
of Charged BoltsLevel 10 Charged Bolt (30/30 Charges)77stafforbmagic and rare44
of Charged BoltsLevel 6 Charged Bolt (20/20 Charges)1414hammermacescepterringcircletmagic and rare44
of Charged StrikeLevel 5 Charged Strike (60/60 Charges)3325spearamazon spearmagic and rare44
of Charged StrikeLevel 3 Charged Strike (20/20 Charges)6860glovesmagic and rare44
of Cold ArrowsLevel 8 Cold Arrow (30/30 Charges)1516missile weaponamazon bowmagic and rare44
of Cold ArrowsLevel 5 Cold Arrow (20/20 Charges)4739glovesmagic and rare44
of ConcentrationLevel 6 Concentrate (60/60 Charges)2424primal helmmagic and rare44
of ConcentrationLevel 3 Concentrate (20/20 Charges)4848melee weaponmagic and rare44
of ConfusionLevel 6 Confuse (60/60 Charges)2424wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of ConfusionLevel 3 Confuse (20/20 Charges)4848ringcircletmagic and rare44
of Dim VisionLevel 8 Dim Vision (60/60 Charges)1212wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Dim VisionLevel 5 Dim Vision (20/20 Charges)2424ringcircletmagic and rare44
of EnchantmentLevel 3 Enchant (20/20 Charges)2424stafforbmagic and rare44
of EnchantmentLevel 1 Enchant (10/10 Charges)4848melee weaponmagic and rare44
of EruptionLevel 7 Eruption (30/30 Charges)1818clubmagic and rare44
of EruptionLevel 4 Eruption (20/20 Charges)3636staffmagic and rare44
of Exploding ArrowsLevel 6 Exploding Arrow (30/30 Charges)3026missile weaponamazon bowmagic and rare44
of Exploding ArrowsLevel 4 Exploding Arrow (20/20 Charges)6961glovesmagic and rare44
of Fire ArrowsLevel 6 Fire Arrow (20/20 Charges)4032glovesmagic and rare44
of Fire BallsLevel 7 Fire Ball (30/30 Charges)1818stafforbmagic and rare44
of Fire BallsLevel 4 Fire Ball (20/20 Charges)3636spearwandmagic and rare44
of Fire BoltsLevel 10 Fire Bolt (30/30 Charges)77stafforbmagic and rare44
of Fire BoltsLevel 6 Fire Bolt (20/20 Charges)1414swordringcircletmagic and rare44
of FirestormsLevel 10 Firestorm (30/30 Charges)77clubmagic and rare44
of FirestormsLevel 6 Firestorm (20/20 Charges)1414staffmagic and rare44
of Freezing ArrowsLevel 4 Freezing Arrow (30/30 Charges)5042missile weaponamazon bowmagic and rare44
of Freezing ArrowsLevel 2 Freezing Arrow (20/20 Charges)9486glovesmagic and rare44
of Frost NovasLevel 8 Frost Nova (30/30 Charges)1212stafforbmagic and rare44
of Frost NovasLevel 5 Frost Nova (20/20 Charges)2424knifeamuletcircletmagic and rare44
of Frozen OrbsLevel 3 Frozen Orb (30/30 Charges)3636stafforbmagic and rare44
of Frozen OrbsLevel 1 Frozen Orb (20/20 Charges)7272knifemagic and rare44
of Glacial SpikesLevel 6 Glacial Spike (30/30 Charges)2424stafforbmagic and rare44
of Glacial SpikesLevel 3 Glacial Spike (20/20 Charges)4848knifemagic and rare44
of Grim WardLevel 5 Grim Ward (60/60 Charges)3030primal helmmagic and rare44
of Grim WardLevel 2 Grim Ward (20/20 Charges)6060amuletmagic and rare44
of Holy BoltsLevel 8 Holy Bolt (30/30 Charges)1212scepterauric shieldsmagic and rare44
of Holy BoltsLevel 5 Holy Bolt (20/20 Charges)2424amuletcircletmagic and rare44
of Ice ArrowsLevel 5 Ice Arrow (30/30 Charges)3628missile weaponamazon bowmagic and rare44
of Ice ArrowsLevel 3 Ice Arrow (20/20 Charges)7264glovesmagic and rare44
of Ice BlastsLevel 8 Ice Blast (30/30 Charges)1212stafforbmagic and rare44
of Ice BlastsLevel 5 Ice Blast (20/20 Charges)2424hammermacescepterringcircletmagic and rare44
of Ice BoltsLevel 10 Ice Bolt (30/30 Charges)77stafforbmagic and rare44
of Ice BoltsLevel 6 Ice Bolt (20/20 Charges)1414knifemagic and rare44
of Inner SightLevel 6 Inner Sight (30/30 Charges)1814amuletamazon itemcircletmagic and rare44
of Inner SightLevel 4 Inner Sight (20/20 Charges)5042glovesmagic and rare44
of Life TapLevel 6 Life Tap (60/60 Charges)2424wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Life TapLevel 3 Life Tap (20/20 Charges)4848axemagic and rare44
of LightningLevel 7 Lightning (30/30 Charges)1818stafforbmagic and rare44
of LightningLevel 4 Lightning (20/20 Charges)3636axehammermagic and rare44
of Lightning StrikeLevel 4 Lightning Strike (60/60 Charges)4739spearamazon spearmagic and rare44
of Lightning StrikeLevel 2 Lightning Strike (20/20 Charges)9082glovesmagic and rare44
of Lower ResistanceLevel 3 Lower Resist (60/60 Charges)3636wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Lower ResistanceLevel 1 Lower Resist (20/20 Charges)7272staffmagic and rare44
of Magic ArrowsLevel 10 Magic Arrow (30/30 Charges)1211missile weaponamazon bowmagic and rare44
of MeteorsLevel 5 Meteor (30/30 Charges)3030stafforbmagic and rare44
of MeteorsLevel 2 Meteor (20/20 Charges)6060knifeclubmagic and rare44
of Multiple ShotLevel 8 Multiple Shot (30/30 Charges)1819missile weaponamazon bowmagic and rare44
of Multiple ShotLevel 4 Multiple Shot (20/20 Charges)6355glovesmagic and rare44
of NovasLevel 7 Nova (30/30 Charges)1818stafforbmagic and rare44
of NovasLevel 4 Nova (20/20 Charges)3636any shieldmagic and rare44
of Poison DaggerLevel 8 Poison Dagger (60/60 Charges)1212knifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Poison DaggerLevel 5 Poison Dagger (20/20 Charges)2424glovesringcircletmagic and rare44
of Poison NovasLevel 3 Poison Nova (60/60 Charges)3636wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of Poison NovasLevel 1 Poison Nova (20/20 Charges)7272glovesmagic and rare44
of Power StrikeLevel 6 Power Strike (60/60 Charges)1213spearamazon spearmagic and rare44
of Power StrikeLevel 4 Power Strike (20/20 Charges)5547glovesmagic and rare44
of SacrificeLevel 10 Sacrifice (30/30 Charges)77scepterauric shieldsmagic and rare44
of SacrificeLevel 6 Sacrifice (20/20 Charges)1414melee weaponmagic and rare44
of StunningLevel 7 Stun (60/60 Charges)1818primal helmmagic and rare44
of StunningLevel 4 Stun (20/20 Charges)3636melee weaponmagic and rare44
of TeethLevel 10 Teeth (60/60 Charges)77wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of TeethLevel 6 Teeth (20/20 Charges)1414swordmagic and rare44
of TelekinesisLevel 8 Telekinesis (30/30 Charges)1212stafforbmagic and rare44
of TelekinesisLevel 5 Telekinesis (20/20 Charges)2424hammermacescepterringcircletmagic and rare44
of TeleportationLevel 6 Teleport (30/30 Charges)2424stafforbmagic and rare44
of TeleportationLevel 3 Teleport (20/20 Charges)4848amuletcircletmagic and rare44
of TerrorLevel 7 Terror (60/60 Charges)1818wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of TerrorLevel 4 Terror (20/20 Charges)3636any shieldmagic and rare44
of TornadoLevel 5 Tornado (30/30 Charges)3030clubmagic and rare44
of TornadoLevel 2 Tornado (20/20 Charges)6060amuletcircletmagic and rare44
of TwisterLevel 6 Twister (30/30 Charges)2424clubmagic and rare44
of TwisterLevel 3 Twister (20/20 Charges)4848amuletcircletmagic and rare44
of VengeanceLevel 6 Vengeance (30/30 Charges)2424scepterauric shieldsmagic and rare44
of VengeanceLevel 3 Vengeance (20/20 Charges)4848swordaxemagic and rare44
of VolcanoLevel 6 Volcano (30/30 Charges)3030clubmagic and rare44
of VolcanoLevel 3 Volcano (20/20 Charges)6060hammermagic and rare44
of WeakenLevel 8 Weaken (60/60 Charges)1212wandknifevoodoo headsmagic and rare44
of WeakenLevel 5 Weaken (20/20 Charges)2424glovesmagic and rare44
of ZealLevel 7 Zeal (30/30 Charges)1818scepterauric shieldsmagic and rare44
of ZealLevel 4 Zeal (20/20 Charges)3636melee weaponmagic and rare44


