of Attraction | Level 5 Attract (60/60 Charges) | 30 | 30 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Attraction | Level 2 Attract (20/20 Charges) | 60 | 60 | ring, amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Bashing | Level 10 Bash (60/60 Charges) | 7 | 7 | primal helm | magic and rare | 44 |
of Bashing | Level 6 Bash (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | melee weapon | magic and rare | 44 |
of Blessed Hammers | Level 6 Blessed Hammer (30/30 Charges) | 24 | 24 | scepter, auric shields | magic and rare | 44 |
of Blessed Hammers | Level 3 Blessed Hammer (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | hammer | magic and rare | 44 |
of Blizzards | Level 5 Blizzard (30/30 Charges) | 30 | 30 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Blizzards | Level 2 Blizzard (20/20 Charges) | 60 | 60 | knife | magic and rare | 44 |
of Bone Spears | Level 6 Bone Spear (60/60 Charges) | 24 | 24 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Bone Spears | Level 3 Bone Spear (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | spear | magic and rare | 44 |
of Bone Spirits | Level 3 Bone Spirit (60/60 Charges) | 36 | 36 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Bone Spirits | Level 1 Bone Spirit (20/20 Charges) | 72 | 72 | amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Chain Lightning | Level 6 Chain Lightning (30/30 Charges) | 24 | 24 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Chain Lightning | Level 3 Chain Lightning (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | spear | magic and rare | 44 |
of Charged Bolts | Level 10 Charged Bolt (30/30 Charges) | 7 | 7 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Charged Bolts | Level 6 Charged Bolt (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | hammer, mace, scepter, ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Charged Strike | Level 5 Charged Strike (60/60 Charges) | 33 | 25 | spear, amazon spear | magic and rare | 44 |
of Charged Strike | Level 3 Charged Strike (20/20 Charges) | 68 | 60 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Cold Arrows | Level 8 Cold Arrow (30/30 Charges) | 15 | 16 | missile weapon, amazon bow | magic and rare | 44 |
of Cold Arrows | Level 5 Cold Arrow (20/20 Charges) | 47 | 39 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Concentration | Level 6 Concentrate (60/60 Charges) | 24 | 24 | primal helm | magic and rare | 44 |
of Concentration | Level 3 Concentrate (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | melee weapon | magic and rare | 44 |
of Confusion | Level 6 Confuse (60/60 Charges) | 24 | 24 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Confusion | Level 3 Confuse (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Dim Vision | Level 8 Dim Vision (60/60 Charges) | 12 | 12 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Dim Vision | Level 5 Dim Vision (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Enchantment | Level 3 Enchant (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Enchantment | Level 1 Enchant (10/10 Charges) | 48 | 48 | melee weapon | magic and rare | 44 |
of Eruption | Level 7 Eruption (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 18 | club | magic and rare | 44 |
of Eruption | Level 4 Eruption (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | staff | magic and rare | 44 |
of Exploding Arrows | Level 6 Exploding Arrow (30/30 Charges) | 30 | 26 | missile weapon, amazon bow | magic and rare | 44 |
of Exploding Arrows | Level 4 Exploding Arrow (20/20 Charges) | 69 | 61 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Fire Arrows | Level 6 Fire Arrow (20/20 Charges) | 40 | 32 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Fire Balls | Level 7 Fire Ball (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 18 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Fire Balls | Level 4 Fire Ball (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | spear, wand | magic and rare | 44 |
of Fire Bolts | Level 10 Fire Bolt (30/30 Charges) | 7 | 7 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Fire Bolts | Level 6 Fire Bolt (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | sword, ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Firestorms | Level 10 Firestorm (30/30 Charges) | 7 | 7 | club | magic and rare | 44 |
of Firestorms | Level 6 Firestorm (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | staff | magic and rare | 44 |
of Freezing Arrows | Level 4 Freezing Arrow (30/30 Charges) | 50 | 42 | missile weapon, amazon bow | magic and rare | 44 |
of Freezing Arrows | Level 2 Freezing Arrow (20/20 Charges) | 94 | 86 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Frost Novas | Level 8 Frost Nova (30/30 Charges) | 12 | 12 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Frost Novas | Level 5 Frost Nova (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | knife, amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Frozen Orbs | Level 3 Frozen Orb (30/30 Charges) | 36 | 36 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Frozen Orbs | Level 1 Frozen Orb (20/20 Charges) | 72 | 72 | knife | magic and rare | 44 |
of Glacial Spikes | Level 6 Glacial Spike (30/30 Charges) | 24 | 24 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Glacial Spikes | Level 3 Glacial Spike (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | knife | magic and rare | 44 |
of Grim Ward | Level 5 Grim Ward (60/60 Charges) | 30 | 30 | primal helm | magic and rare | 44 |
of Grim Ward | Level 2 Grim Ward (20/20 Charges) | 60 | 60 | amulet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Holy Bolts | Level 8 Holy Bolt (30/30 Charges) | 12 | 12 | scepter, auric shields | magic and rare | 44 |
of Holy Bolts | Level 5 Holy Bolt (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Ice Arrows | Level 5 Ice Arrow (30/30 Charges) | 36 | 28 | missile weapon, amazon bow | magic and rare | 44 |
of Ice Arrows | Level 3 Ice Arrow (20/20 Charges) | 72 | 64 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Ice Blasts | Level 8 Ice Blast (30/30 Charges) | 12 | 12 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Ice Blasts | Level 5 Ice Blast (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | hammer, mace, scepter, ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Ice Bolts | Level 10 Ice Bolt (30/30 Charges) | 7 | 7 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Ice Bolts | Level 6 Ice Bolt (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | knife | magic and rare | 44 |
of Inner Sight | Level 6 Inner Sight (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 14 | amulet, amazon item, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Inner Sight | Level 4 Inner Sight (20/20 Charges) | 50 | 42 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Life Tap | Level 6 Life Tap (60/60 Charges) | 24 | 24 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Life Tap | Level 3 Life Tap (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | axe | magic and rare | 44 |
of Lightning | Level 7 Lightning (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 18 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Lightning | Level 4 Lightning (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | axe, hammer | magic and rare | 44 |
of Lightning Strike | Level 4 Lightning Strike (60/60 Charges) | 47 | 39 | spear, amazon spear | magic and rare | 44 |
of Lightning Strike | Level 2 Lightning Strike (20/20 Charges) | 90 | 82 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Lower Resistance | Level 3 Lower Resist (60/60 Charges) | 36 | 36 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Lower Resistance | Level 1 Lower Resist (20/20 Charges) | 72 | 72 | staff | magic and rare | 44 |
of Magic Arrows | Level 10 Magic Arrow (30/30 Charges) | 12 | 11 | missile weapon, amazon bow | magic and rare | 44 |
of Meteors | Level 5 Meteor (30/30 Charges) | 30 | 30 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Meteors | Level 2 Meteor (20/20 Charges) | 60 | 60 | knife, club | magic and rare | 44 |
of Multiple Shot | Level 8 Multiple Shot (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 19 | missile weapon, amazon bow | magic and rare | 44 |
of Multiple Shot | Level 4 Multiple Shot (20/20 Charges) | 63 | 55 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Novas | Level 7 Nova (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 18 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Novas | Level 4 Nova (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | any shield | magic and rare | 44 |
of Poison Dagger | Level 8 Poison Dagger (60/60 Charges) | 12 | 12 | knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Poison Dagger | Level 5 Poison Dagger (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | gloves, ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Poison Novas | Level 3 Poison Nova (60/60 Charges) | 36 | 36 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Poison Novas | Level 1 Poison Nova (20/20 Charges) | 72 | 72 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Power Strike | Level 6 Power Strike (60/60 Charges) | 12 | 13 | spear, amazon spear | magic and rare | 44 |
of Power Strike | Level 4 Power Strike (20/20 Charges) | 55 | 47 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Sacrifice | Level 10 Sacrifice (30/30 Charges) | 7 | 7 | scepter, auric shields | magic and rare | 44 |
of Sacrifice | Level 6 Sacrifice (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | melee weapon | magic and rare | 44 |
of Stunning | Level 7 Stun (60/60 Charges) | 18 | 18 | primal helm | magic and rare | 44 |
of Stunning | Level 4 Stun (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | melee weapon | magic and rare | 44 |
of Teeth | Level 10 Teeth (60/60 Charges) | 7 | 7 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Teeth | Level 6 Teeth (20/20 Charges) | 14 | 14 | sword | magic and rare | 44 |
of Telekinesis | Level 8 Telekinesis (30/30 Charges) | 12 | 12 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Telekinesis | Level 5 Telekinesis (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | hammer, mace, scepter, ring, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Teleportation | Level 6 Teleport (30/30 Charges) | 24 | 24 | staff, orb | magic and rare | 44 |
of Teleportation | Level 3 Teleport (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Terror | Level 7 Terror (60/60 Charges) | 18 | 18 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Terror | Level 4 Terror (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | any shield | magic and rare | 44 |
of Tornado | Level 5 Tornado (30/30 Charges) | 30 | 30 | club | magic and rare | 44 |
of Tornado | Level 2 Tornado (20/20 Charges) | 60 | 60 | amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Twister | Level 6 Twister (30/30 Charges) | 24 | 24 | club | magic and rare | 44 |
of Twister | Level 3 Twister (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | amulet, circlet | magic and rare | 44 |
of Vengeance | Level 6 Vengeance (30/30 Charges) | 24 | 24 | scepter, auric shields | magic and rare | 44 |
of Vengeance | Level 3 Vengeance (20/20 Charges) | 48 | 48 | sword, axe | magic and rare | 44 |
of Volcano | Level 6 Volcano (30/30 Charges) | 30 | 30 | club | magic and rare | 44 |
of Volcano | Level 3 Volcano (20/20 Charges) | 60 | 60 | hammer | magic and rare | 44 |
of Weaken | Level 8 Weaken (60/60 Charges) | 12 | 12 | wand, knife, voodoo heads | magic and rare | 44 |
of Weaken | Level 5 Weaken (20/20 Charges) | 24 | 24 | gloves | magic and rare | 44 |
of Zeal | Level 7 Zeal (30/30 Charges) | 18 | 18 | scepter, auric shields | magic and rare | 44 |
of Zeal | Level 4 Zeal (20/20 Charges) | 36 | 36 | melee weapon | magic and rare | 44 |