Lapis Lazuli Prefix

Lapis Lazuli is a prefix that provides a bonus to Cold Resistance.

All prefixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
Lapis LazuliCold Resist +5 to 15%21jewelmagic and rare117

Similar Prefixes

All prefixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
AzureCold Resist +7 to 15%11large charmmagic and rare117
AzureCold Resist +4 to 7%11medium charmmagic and rare117
AzureCold Resist +3 to 5%11small charmmagic and rare117
AzureCold Resist +5%11any armorringamuletorbcircletmagic and rare117
AzureCold Resist +5 to 10%53any armorstaves and rodsmissile weaponringamuletmagic and rare121
AzureCold Resist +5 to 10%53any armorweaponringamuletorbcircletmagic and rare117
CobaltCold Resist +21 to 30%1813any armorringamuletstaves and rodsmagic and rare121
CobaltCold Resist +21 to 30%1813any armorringamuletorbcircletmagic and rare117
CobaltCold Resist +21 to 25%2015large charmmagic and rare117
CobaltCold Resist +11 to 12%2518medium charmmagic and rare117
CobaltCold Resist +8 to 9%2720small charmmagic and rare117
CobaltCold Resist +21 to 30%5541weaponglovesmagic and rare121
CobaltCold Resist +21 to 30%5541weaponmagic and rare117
LapisCold Resist +16 to 20%107large charmmagic and rare117
LapisCold Resist +11 to 20%129any armorringamuletstaves and rodsmagic and rare121
LapisCold Resist +11 to 20%129any armorringamuletorbcircletmagic and rare117
LapisCold Resist +6 to 7%1410small charmmagic and rare117
LapisCold Resist +8 to 10%1612medium charmmagic and rare117
LapisCold Resist +11 to 20%3526weaponglovesmagic and rare121
LapisCold Resist +11 to 20%3526weaponmagic and rare117
SapphireCold Resist +16 to 30%1914jewelmagic and rare117
SapphireCold Resist +31 to 50%2518staves and rodsbootsringamuletmissile weaponmagic and rare121
SapphireCold Resist +31 to 40%2518staves and rodsbootsamuletorbcircletmagic and rare117
SapphireCold Resist +26 to 30%3022large charmmagic only117
SapphireCold Resist +13 to 15%3527medium charmmagic only117
SapphireCold Resist +10 to 11%4032small charmmagic only117


