Graverobber's Prefix

Graverobber's is a prefix that increases skill levels of a particular class' Skill Tab.

All prefixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
Graverobber's+1 to Summoning Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Graverobber's+1 to Summoning Skills2015wandvoodoo headsamuletcircletmagic and rare125

Similar Prefixes

All prefixes
NamePropertyAffix LevelLevel ReqItem TypesRarityGroup
Accursed+3 to Curses Skills6045wandvoodoo headsamuletcircletmagic only125
Acrobat's+1 to Passive and Magic Skills2015glovesamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Acrobat's+1 to Passive and Magic Skills5042large charmmagic only125
Archer's+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills6045missile weaponglovesmagic only125
Athlete's+3 to Passive and Magic Skills6045glovesamuletcircletmagic only125
Blazing+2 to Fire Skills4030orbamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Blighting+2 to Curses Skills4030wandvoodoo headsamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Bowyer's+2 to Bow and Crossbow Skills4030missile weaponglovesmagic and rare125
Burning+1 to Fire Skills2015orbamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Burning+1 to Fire Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Captain's+1 to Offensive Auras Skills2015scepterswordmaceany shieldauric shieldsamuletmagic and rare125
Captain's+1 to Offensive Auras Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Caretaker's+2 to Summoning Skills4030clubpeltamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Charged+2 to Lightning Skills4030orbamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Chilling+1 to Cold Skills2015orbamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Chilling+1 to Cold Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Commander's+2 to Offensive Auras Skills4030scepterswordmaceany shieldauric shieldsamuletmagic and rare125
Communal+3 to Shapeshifting Skills6045clubpeltamuletcircletmagic only125
Cunning+3 to Traps Skills6045hand to handamuletcircletmagic only125
Echoing+3 to Warcries Skills6045primal helmweaponamuletmagic only125
Entrapping+1 to Traps Skills2015hand to handamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Entrapping+1 to Traps Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Expert's+1 to Combat Skills2015primal helmweaponhelmmagic and rare125
Expert's+1 to Combat Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Fanatic+1 to Combat Masteries Skills2015primal helmweaponamuletmagic and rare125
Fanatic+1 to Combat Masteries Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Feral+2 to Shapeshifting Skills4030clubpeltamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Fletcher's+1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills2015missile weaponglovesmagic and rare125
Fletcher's+1 to Bow and Crossbow Skills5042large charmmagic only125
Freezing+2 to Cold Skills4030orbamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Fungal+1 to Poison and Bone Skills2015wandvoodoo headsamuletknifecircletmagic and rare125
Fungal+1 to Poison and Bone Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Furious+3 to Combat Masteries Skills6045primal helmweaponamuletmagic only125
Gaea's+3 to Elemental Skills6045clubpeltamuletcircletmagic only125
Glacial+3 to Cold Skills6045orbamuletcircletmagic only125
Golemlord's+3 to Summoning Skills6045wandvoodoo headsamuletcircletmagic only125
Guardian's+3 to Defensive Auras Skills6045any shieldauric shieldsamuletcircletmagic only125
Gymnast's+2 to Passive and Magic Skills4030glovesamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Harpoonist's+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills2015spearglovesmagic and rare125
Harpoonist's+1 to Javelin and Spear Skills5042large charmmagic only125
Hawk Branded+2 to Combat Skills4030scepterswordmaceany shieldauric shieldsamuletmagic and rare125
Hexing+1 to Curses Skills2015wandvoodoo headsamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Hexing+1 to Curses Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Keeper's+3 to Summoning Skills6045clubpeltamuletcircletmagic only125
Kenshi's+3 to Martial Arts Skills6045hand to handamuletglovescircletmagic only125
Lancer's+3 to Javelin and Spear Skills6045spearglovesmagic only125
Lion Branded+1 to Combat Skills2015scepterswordmaceany shieldauric shieldsamuletmagic and rare125
Lion Branded+1 to Combat Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Marshal's+3 to Offensive Auras Skills6045scepterswordmaceany shieldauric shieldsamuletmagic only125
Master's+3 to Combat Skills6045primal helmweaponhelmmagic only125
Mentalist's+1 to Shadow Disciplines Skills2015hand to handamulethelmcircletmagic and rare125
Mentalist's+1 to Shadow Disciplines Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Nature's+1 to Elemental Skills2015clubpeltamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Nature's+1 to Elemental Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Noxious+2 to Poison and Bone Skills4030wandvoodoo headsamuletknifecircletmagic and rare125
Powered+3 to Lightning Skills6045orbamuletcircletmagic only125
Preserver's+1 to Defensive Auras Skills2015any shieldauric shieldsamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Preserver's+1 to Defensive Auras Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Psychic+2 to Shadow Disciplines Skills4030hand to handamulethelmcircletmagic and rare125
Raging+2 to Combat Masteries Skills4030primal helmweaponamuletmagic and rare125
Resonant+2 to Warcries Skills4030primal helmweaponamuletmagic and rare125
Rose Branded+3 to Combat Skills6045scepterswordmaceany shieldauric shieldsamuletmagic only125
Sensei's+2 to Martial Arts Skills4030hand to handamuletglovescircletmagic and rare125
Shadow+3 to Shadow Disciplines Skills6045hand to handamulethelmcircletmagic only125
Shogukusha's+1 to Martial Arts Skills2015hand to handamuletglovescircletmagic and rare125
Shogukusha's+1 to Martial Arts Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Sounding+1 to Warcries Skills2015primal helmweaponamuletmagic and rare125
Sounding+1 to Warcries Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Sparking+1 to Lightning Skills2015orbamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Sparking+1 to Lightning Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Spearmaiden's+2 to Javelin and Spear Skills4030spearglovesmagic and rare125
Spiritual+1 to Shapeshifting Skills2015clubpeltamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Spiritual+1 to Shapeshifting Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Terra's+2 to Elemental Skills4030clubpeltamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Trainer's+1 to Summoning Skills2015clubpeltamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Trainer's+1 to Summoning Skills5042large charmmagic and rare125
Trickster's+2 to Traps Skills4030hand to handamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Venomous+3 to Poison and Bone Skills6045wandvoodoo headsamuletknifecircletmagic only125
Veteran's+2 to Combat Skills4030primal helmweaponhelmmagic and rare125
Vodoun+2 to Summoning Skills4030wandvoodoo headsamuletcircletmagic and rare125
Volcanic+3 to Fire Skills6045orbamuletcircletmagic only125
Warder's+2 to Defensive Auras Skills4030any shieldauric shieldsamuletcircletmagic and rare125


